ACME's modernized plant is located at Dhamrai, about 40 km N.W. of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh
- State of the art manufacturing facility
- Follows the cGMP guidelines
- Complies with the EHS requirements
- Well established Quality Control & Microbiological Laboratory

ACME has a history of serving the nation with quality medicine over 67 years by modern and sophisticated manufacturing facility
While designing and constructing the plant, proper attention was paid to the latest concepts of cross contamination, air circulation and air handling, particle-free finishes, equipment layout, process flow, hygiene and safety.

The facility houses various departments and provides adequate infrastructure necessary to manufacture quality medicines
Special care has also been given in selecting machinery and laboratory instruments. Most of the machines are PLC controlled conforming to cGMP requirements. Environment friendly modern ETP & Incinerator are available for managing solid and liquid waste disposal.