Acute and chronic gastritis, Gastric and duodenal ulcers, Reflux oesophagitis, Hyperacidity, Heart burn, Acid eructation, Gastric irritation after excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine or coffee, medication causing gastric irritation or inappropriate diet.
Dosage and Administration
Tablet / Suspension : Mild gastric disorders, gastritis : 1 - 2 tablets / 1 - 2 teaspoonful, 1 - 2 hours after meal or at bed time or when required.
Duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, reflux oesophagitis : 2 - 4 tablets / 2 - 4 teaspoonful, 1 - 2 hours after meal or at bed time or when required.
Children: Half of the adult dose.
Tablet : Magaldrate USP 400 mg.
Suspension : Magaldrate USP 400 mg / 5ml.